Shout Outs
Next Without Walls Holy Spirit Power Encounter - Saturday June 4, 6:00pm
Market Outreach - Sundays 10:30am Bendigo Showgrounds
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Finding Bendigo
From the perspective of open evangelism, this makes Bendigo a difficult town to connect with. Where can you go to meet and openly approach people without contravening legal boundaries?
Well today I 'discovered' Bendigo's 'hang-out' at the market which is held every Sunday at the showgrounds. I have never been a markets kind of guy so I had never been to the one in Bendigo. I can say that I was truly shocked and astounded when I turned up there today at 10:30. As I approached the show grounds there were parked cars lining roads from blocks away. As I came to the gates, it reminded me of when the Bendigo show is on, there were so many people. There were literally thousands of people there!
Here at the showgrounds is a place where the people of Bendigo are gathering in great numbers out in a public arena. How ironic that the one time in the week that Bendigonians come out en masse into a public arena happens to be the exact same time that good church going Christian folk all happen to be locked up in their good Christian churches. Its like all the fishermen are at home fixing their rods at the exact time the salmon are running!
Are we not called to be fishers of men? Are we not called to seek and save the lost? Are we not called to preach the gospel and make disciples? Why then has the gathering together and our man-made traditions taken precedence over reaching and saving the lost?
Today, in the span spent by most believers in church, I was able to share the gospel personally with dozens of people, more than I would in weeks of my everyday life. And unlike the people that the average preacher spoke to today, I was surrounded by people that had never heard the gospel, or had not heard it for a long time. Of course many of those who heard message rejected it, but there were also those who received it.
I have recently had several people tell me how brave I am, how gifted I am at sharing the gospel, and how well prepared I am in answering those tricky questions people pose. These same people have told me that the reason that they will not step out in evangelism is that they feel unprepared. I imagine that the reason you have not come running to join me on the streets is that you feel the same way. But I want you to know that I, like you was not so bold as I am now, nor so prepared - and I can tell you now I am definitely not gifted; merely practiced. How do you expect to become prepared to be a fisher of men if you are not going to put any effort into learning the craft and preparing your skills? How do you expect to be able to 'have the answers' if you never put yourself in a position to have a question posed to you? And how do you ever expect to become effective at sharing your faith if you don't put yourself in a place where you regularly and consistently are sharing your faith?
Everyone wants to reap a harvest of revival but no-one it seems is willing to plant the seeds! Everyone talks about wanting to see thousands brought to Christ to none is willing to go out and actually bring them in!
Can you imagine the impact that a group - even a small group - could have in a place like that? What about you? What do you think?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Marketplace Ministry
Well here’s a term that has been talked about too much but not actioned enough! On this Sunday at 10:30 I will be leading an evangelism group to outreach at the Market being held at the Bendigo Showgrounds. I would love you to join me. If you have never done this sort of outreach before then I want to encourage you and urge you to come along, even just to observe. I want you to experience the joy and excitement of sharing Jesus and allow to see for yourself just how easy it is to do. If you do want to come and just watch, please feel free to do so, you will not be pressured in any way to participate, but I want the opportunity to show you just how easy it is.
The window of free speech and the freedom to openly share our faith is already closing in the western world. It is already illegal to preach the gospel on the streets in Canada, and we are not far behind. PLEASE make the effort to join me this Sunday. Don’t spend another Sunday comforting the converted. Why don’t you do as Jesus encouraged us to do in Matt 18:12-14 and leave the ninety-nine who are safely tucked away in the fold and come out with me to find the lost sheep. Think about it – on Sunday Morning all the Christians are at church. What a perfect opportunity to find those who are lost. We will meet at the main gate at 10:30.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Dealing with Bitterness
Bitterness is a truly terrible thing. Don’t hold onto it. It WILL destroy you.
22 Then Moses led the people of Israel away from the Red Sea, and they moved out into the desert of Shur. They traveled in this desert for three days without finding any water. 23 When they came to the oasis of Marah, the water was too bitter to drink. So they called the place Marah (which means “bitter”). 24 Then the people complained and turned against Moses. “What are we going to drink?” they demanded.
(Exodus 15:22-24)
In this story the nation of Israel, recently released from their captivity in Egypt through truly miraculous circumstances have walked three days and through the desert only to arrive at an oasis full of bitter water. The bitterness is going to kill them even though they have escaped the clutches of their captivity. Isn’t that so like our own lives today? Bitterness is one of those things that can grab you, even if the circumstances you are angry or bitter about are over! Bitterness, it has been described, is being so angry with someone that you drink poison hoping it will make the other person sick. The Israelites were in this position. They were NEVER going back to Egypt and their captor, Pharaoh, has been destroyed. Yet now, it is not the circumstance of captivity that is going to bring them undone, but the bitter waters of Marah.
The Acholi people of Northern Uganda have a saying that crudely translates as this: If a snake bites you – you don’t chase the snake. It is not the snake that has the problem, it’s you. It is the same with anger, resentment, unforgiveness and bitterness, once this venom is in your system, you are not going to get rid of it by attacking the snake that bit you. You have to deal with the poison in your own system. If you continue to drink of the poisonous waters of bitterness you will die.
14 “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.
(Matt 6:14-15)
You see, if you do not forgive others. God will not forgive you!
Now I love the picture in this story of Moses. What was the answer that Moses has for the bitter water? He throws a piece of wood in the water and it becomes sweet. What a great picture! Has it clicked for you yet? What do you have to do with the bitterness in your life? You’ve got to throw a piece of wood into too. Still hasn’t clicked yet? What is that piece of wood? What is the most important piece of wood in the Bible? You there yet? I’m sure you have got it now! Yes, the Cross! Jesus told us we would have to take up our cross. The cross represents death – death to self. If you are holding onto bitterness, it means that you have not died to yourself. If you were dead, you would not be holding that grudge.
Go to the grave yard and scream and yell at all the people in the graves. Tell them how ugly and stinky they are and how out of date their clothes and hairstyles are. How many of them will take offence? You see, if we have died to ourselves and it is the spirit of Christ living in us, then bitterness and offence and unforgiveness will not be a problem.
So throw the piece of wood at your bitterness. Allow the Holy Spirit to break put to death your carnal nature and the unforgiveness you hold. Let the wood of a crucified life that is dead to self bring healing and sweetness to the waters of your life.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Without Walls Gathering This Saturday Evening
26 Well, my brothers and sisters, let’s summarize. When you meet together, one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation God has given, one will speak in tongues, and another will interpret what is said. But everything that is done must strengthen all of you.
We look forward to worshipping and fellowshipping with you on Saturday.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Wrestling the Darkness
Ephesians 6:12 (Amplified Bible)
12For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (New Living Translation)
3 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4 [a]We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5 We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
I was brought up with these scriptures and with an understanding that as believers in Jesus we are engaged is a spiritual battle between angels good and evil where the spoils of war are the souls of men. But in recent times I have been finding the Holy Spirit rapidly leading us into new levels of understanding in this arena.
The first thing you have to understand is that as Christians we are at war with demons; and these demons are doing everything in their power to destroy you at every level - spiritual, mental/Emotional(the soul) and physical. That is what the above scriptures are telling us. We in the west totally underestimate the battle that is raging for our souls and generally do not take seriously the enormity of this battle.
I also want to point out that Christians CAN be and DO get demonized. Now I am not going to argue about “possession” or “oppression” or such. These are terms that have come out of the middle-ages rather than out of scripture. The original ancient Greek does not tend to use such terms – but simply states “demonized”. The point I want to make is that if casting out of demons was not for Christians, then we would be left with trying to cast demons out of people that refuse to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour – a process that we are actually warned against as it can make matters worse! For further information on can a Christian have a demon, look at James Brandt’s writing on the subject at
Deliverance is not about demons, it is about getting free. The focus is on finding that freedom, not finding demons. There are some key areas for each of us to look at in our own lives – and the lives of those around us to find freedom from captivity by the enemy or even just from our own “stinking thinking”:
(From James Brandt’s website)
Inner healing: Many times when a person has been abused, rejected, wounded, or hurt in some way, there is an emotional wound that needs to be healed. Demons will use these wounds and weaknesses against the person, as leverage to hold them in bondage and get them to re-open doors so that they can re-enter. Inner healing is a vital step in the overall restoration process that needs to take place in the lives of many who are seeking deliverance. There is more information on this process in the teaching Steps to Inner Healing on the same website as above.
Tearing down strongholds: Strongholds are incorrect thinking patterns that people develop over time, and are often set up and nurtured by demons through lies and deception. Demons thrive on strongholds, and use them to hang around a person and torment them. I recommend reading the teaching on Strongholds for a clear insight into exactly what a stronghold is, and how to go about tearing them down. Failing to tear down strongholds can hold up a deliverance and prevent us from walking in complete spiritual freedom.
Removing legal rights: Legal rights are things that give demons permission to enter and remain in our lives. Before demons can often be cast out, it is important to address and remove these legal rights. The teaching on Legal Rights lists the most common legal rights and how you can go about removing them. Failing to remove legal rights can hold up a deliverance very easily.
Casting out demons: This requires two basic elements: knowledge of your authority in Christ Jesus over the powers of the enemy, and faith in that authority. Demons are cast out with a simple spoken command, such as, "I command the spirit of fear to come out in the name of Jesus!" You can learn more about your authority and how it works from the teaching on Spiritual Authority.
The reality is EVERYTHING that takes place in our life is spiritual. We are a triune being – having a body, a soul (the seat of our emotions and will or mind), and a spirit (the eternal aspect of our being). Separate the spirit from the body and the body dies. Even something as simple as painting a wall or mowing the lawn is spiritual in that the fullness of our being continues to function and interact even while we perform “physical” tasks.
And how much of what we call physical or mental illness could actually be spiritual? For instance mental illness is commonly attributed as the by-product to some sort of physical imbalance in the individual. Is it possible on occasion that both the mental illness AND the physical imbalance are BOTH the product of a spiritual intrusion in the being of the individual that then displays symptoms in the form of mental and/or physical imbalance? Conversly, could something as supposedly simple as a physical illness effectively “lower the defences” of the individual in such a way that a spiritual intrusion can take place? When you view the person as a triune whole you can begin to see how closely one can affect the other.
In my own life, I have had a demon cast out me on 3 different occasions – once through simply commanding it out of myself! I have also cast a number of demons out of others. Sometimes this has been with “spectacular” manifestations, but most of the time it is a “simple” process with very little physical activity. Dealing with demons, be it casting them out or removing the “footholds” in our life that they seek to use, is certainly not something to be feared. But instead, as a believer, should be celebrated as we are getting victory over the enemy where he has been having victory over us. So do we go looking for demons everywhere. Certainly not. Remember it is not about finding demons but finding freedom – and that may come through healing the wounds in our spirit or unbinding ourselves from silly and ungodly thoughts or emotions. But it is definitely worth taking a “seek and destroy” attitude to the power of the enemy in our lives and to look carefully for areas that the forces of darkness may be using as leverage against us. If in the process of doing this we find something that has “taken up residence in our house”, at that point we can simply boot the trespasser out!
It is also great to get tooled up on this form of ministry yourself. While it is NOT something to be taken flippantly (See Acts 19:13-16), we are all called to this ministry (See Mark 16:15-18). You will be pleasantly surprised at the number of good reliable books and ministry tools on the subject and I encourage you to invest in them.
If you believe you need or would like ministry in this area, you can email us privately at and we will be happy to communicate with you.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Todd is on the Radio This Sunday Night
Monday, April 25, 2011
Church of Jesus where are you?
Over the Easter weekend I went out on the street with a couple friends and family and talked to people about Jesus while giving out some gospel tracts. I have to say that by the end of the weekend I was so grieved in my spirit, I didn't know whether to be angry or weep. I have certainly done both. As I walked the streets what did I see? All the masses of Bendigo's population were out - along with thousands of visitors from other places. This is one of the biggest events Bendigo has. And on the streets with all these people, I saw the promotion of eastern mysticism in the Chinese dancing and celebrations - something that has managed to so attach and entangle itself to this otherwise Christian holiday that any self-respecting Bendigonian could not imagine Easter without the dragon! There were also other false Gods being peddled with the Harikrishnas, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses all out in force. The new age was also prominently represented at the street market held on Saturday. Add to all this the licentious and lustful entertainment of eye and body through the food and rides.
And where was the church - the body of Christ - on this weekend commemorating His death and resurrection? Where was the message of what this weekend was about? Nowhere to be seen! Instead of His hands and feet; his eyes and mouth walking the streets and ministering to the crowds as it did when Jesus himself walked the earth; the body of Christ was locked behind it's walls with their stained-glass windows. In the past, even just in my memory, Bendigo has had some wonderful expressions at Easter. Most recently, a gospel music outreach and presentation after the Fireworks. Many years ago there was "The Way of the Cross" - a dramatisation of the Passion using Bendigo's historic buildings for the locations of the drama. There have also been in the past fantastic representations in the procession with floats and such. But this year, if there was anything, I was not able to find it despite my efforts of looking.
Now I will admit that I was not down the street ALL the time. In fact I did not see all of the procession this year. So if there WAS something done by one of the churches - then thank God for it! Praise the Lord. But whatever feeble attempts were made by the churches either to gather people to their buildings or to reach out to the community, went for the vast majority, if not unheard, certainly unheeded.
This whole scenario would be comical if it were not so sad. On the day that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus; this day that commemorates Jesus rising from the grave with all the saints walking the streets of Jerusalem; that on this day, the church now sits locked behind doors and walls while dragons LITERALLY roam unchecked in the streets and false religions claim these holy days as their own. What has become of the Jesus' Body? Where is that resurrection power on the day set aside to remember it?
The world is even asking the question "What has happened to Easter?", with television shows and Newspapers asking whether Easter has lost its way. This is no more powerfully evident than in our own city. Brothers and sisters in Christ, this weekend I came looking for you amongst all the people and could not find you. I even know of a Church in this city that in recognising the late and dark hour we live in, huddled together to talk about the late and dark hour we live in!
People of Jesus! Get out of your buildings, get off your programs and stop lying to yourselves about how well you are doing reaching out for Jesus! Get to the streets - where the people are and proclaim the message of Jesus while we still have time and permission to do so in our nation!
1Cr 1:21 | Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe. |
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Further, Higher, Stronger, Hotter
This attitude is actually Anti-christ. Christianity - real Jesus following Christianity - is an extreme sport - and played properly it WILL kill you!
Everything, EVERYTHING about following Jesus is extreme and over the top. God himself is extreme. Not sure? Just look at where you live! God did not use any half measures putting this planet and this universe together. Even in the broken down state it is in, we still marvel at it.
(NLT)Romans 1:20
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
And look at the passionate statements made by Jesus and the apostles:
(NLT)Matthew 16:24-26
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. [25] If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. [26] And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?
This is HUGE. Can you imagine the impact that statement would have had on you as a follower of Jesus in those days?
(NLT)Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
In Paul's day, athletes ran their races completely naked. Paul is likening our run with Jesus (we have got to stop calling it a walk!) to these athletes that would literally throw off EVERYTHING to run. How extreme is that?
Jesus hates mediocrity. Yes HATES. It makes him want to vomit.
(NLT)Revelation 3:15-16
"I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! [16] But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth!
First of all, this is not a statement about the general human condition, Jesus is not saying here that He would prefer people to be completely switched off to him than lukewarm. This message was to Christians, members of the Body of Christ. Laodicea had two nearby towns. On one side was Hierapolis, which had hot mineral springs that were said to have medicinal properties. On the the other side was Colossae, with pure cold springs. Poor old Laodicea was fed by an aqueduct that would bring water to the town that was tepid and polluted. Jesus is saying he hates "middle ground". This again is a call by Christ to be extreme in how we live and follow him.
Let me say it categorically - the LAST thing you or I or any other believer needs to do is calm down. On the contrary, we should be allowing ourselves to be so swept away and so passionately entangled with Jesus that we become totally consumed with Him and by Him. C.S. Lewis put it beautifully in "Mere Christianity":
"The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says, 'Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don't want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. I don't want to drill the tooth or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the one you think wicked - the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Reminder: Without Walls is this weekend
Thursday, March 24, 2011
A Healing Line & 7 Water Baptisms in the Bush
Saturday was fantastic day of fellowship, food, bushwalking and bushtalking as well as a time of prayer for healing! We started the afternoon at Melville caves with a barbeque lunch. Food was in ample supply and everyone enjoyed great fellowship. Conversation turned at one point to the physical ailments some of us had, so rather than just talking about it, we began to pray for them. A camp chair became the "hot-seat" and several people took the seat and received prayer for healing. After the prayer time, all those that were feeling energetic took a walk up to the caves. It was fantastic to be in the great outdoors with a bunch of people that love Jesus and to hear the conversations all revolving around Him!
On Sunday, we went to Cairn Curran to baptise six believers that spontaneously became seven. After everyone had arrived and we setup under a willow tree near the water, Todd spoke about the supernatural power of water baptism and what it means to be baptised. Then in front of all those present, including some open-mouthed onlookers, we took the six into the fresh water of Cairn Curran and baptised them. After viewing the baptism, a seventh, a young teenage girl also chose to be baptised. What a fantastic day.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Report on March 5 Gathering
What an exciting and powerful time in the presence of the Holy Spirit we had on Saturday night. Despite the fact we had received a number of apologies from people wanting but unable to join us and few others that disappointedly missed the night due to getting their dates mixed up, those of us that were there were truly blessed by the ministry we received.
Have a look at the following scriptures:
Acts 2:1-3 1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
Acts 2:46-47 46And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, 47Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Acts 4:24-33 24And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: 25Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?... 31And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. 32And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. 33And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.
Acts 4:12 12And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch.
I have used the King James version for these scriptures as many of the other versions simply say something like “in one place”. But this does not do these scriptures justice. Do you see the pattern in these scriptures? The believers were gathered in “one accord” and the result was the Power of the Holy Spirit was released. The word in the original Greek for “one accord” is “homothymadon”. It is two words joined together, one meaning “rush along” the other “in unison”. This rather unique word was perhaps coined by Luke when writing Acts and appears 10 of the 12 times it appears in scripture in this book. The idea of the word is that of “going together” not meeting together, it is ideological not locational. This concept of being of one mind and one passion is where we see time and again the power of the Spirit released.
So when it comes to Without Walls we are not so much looking to gather MORE people, but the RIGHT people. Does that mean that we become exclusive? Certainly not! On the contrary, we will welcome with open arms anyone who dares to walk the narrow way with us. But I keenly understand that there will be those who will visit us and decide “it is not for me”. Their reasons will be varied, but it’s ok. What God is doing amongst us will not be for everyone and we don’t want to coerce those are not in “one accord” with us to stay, as we will then be blocking the very power we are looking for!
So with this thought in mind, we should then start asking the question, “What is God’s intention for Without Walls?” While we all may have our own ideas – including me, we can see that the Holy Spirit has already begun to shape and mould this gathering through the prophetic words and themes we have seen in our first two gatherings. Some of those themes have been:
1. On the first evening through the several prophecies brought by the young men was a theme of pressing into God for yourself and hearing from him for yourself. It was a call to maturity, not to rely on others to feed us but to allow the Holy Spirit to feed us directly. This requires us getting before him on our own in prayer and in the word.
2. Matched with this on the first night was a strong emphasis on “fatherhood” ministry. The father’s role, generally speaking is one of extending the experiences and expanding the horizons of the young to teach them to stand on their own feet. A concept I would like to elaborate on at another time.
3. This weekend carried a more solemn theme of the fear of the Lord. Psalm 111:10 says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. The word fear here in the original Hebrew is “yir’ah”, and it means literally terror – be afraid, be very afraid. I find it interesting that we are told to come to the Lord as a little child. A small child has no problem with simultaneously loving and fearing their father. A little child loves their father with all their heart, but when daddy gets mad – he can be really scary. But it does not change the child’s love for the father. There is a call here to make sure our walk with God is one of holiness and righteousness.
I am very excited about the path the Lord has us on, and for those of you that have found your path next to ours, I believe we have times ahead that will give us stories we will be telling on into eternity!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Without Walls is on tomorrow night!
Tonight we are heading down the street for outreach to preach the gospel and also to invite those who are genuinely seeking to join us tomorrow night. If you are feeling bold enough, you are welcome to join us this evening at the rotunda in Rosalind park at 7:00pm.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
What did you think of Without Walls?
What a great night we had last night!
Significantly, there was a powerful presence of spiritual fathers in the service. Of note, was the presence of Terence Hunter who happened to be in town by what can only be described as a Holy Spirit interaction. Terence contributed to the gathering prophetically - the first time he has ministered in Bendigo for fifteen years.
John and Elizabeth Steele who have ministered in Bendigo now for many years were also present. Both John and Elizabeth ministered during the service, bringing words to and praying for people.
Graeme and Lois Barker were also present by invitation to minister as elders in the body. Both Graeme and Lois ministered prophetically and in intercession for the lives of the city of Bendigo.
I am also very excited to report that we had at least one member of the congregation baptised in the Holy Spirit - in this case as evidenced through speaking in tongues.
Everyone who attended expressed how much the were blessed in the coming together of like minded believers and were looking forward to next time.
We look forward to seeing you again on March 5!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Do you want to help?
I am so excited about tomorrow night! Come Holy Spirit!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Sound System is confirmed
And to that end I wish to publicly thank the person who has answered our request for a pa system.
Really all I have done personally to organise this getogether was to name a date. It has been wondetful to see how the Lord has inspired so many of you to rally to the concept of without walls. I am truly thankful the the Holy Spirit has chosen to count me part of it with you.
Lets make sure together that it remains His as it has started.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Invitation Flyers Available at Word Bookstore
I know that most of us do things the digital way today, but if you would like a flyer to give to a friend, they will be available from Word Bookstore as of Tuesday. The flyers have all the key information on them and advertise both February 19 and March 5. Feel free to drop in and grab a couple.
Without Walls March Gathering
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Without Walls Venue is confirmed
We are pleased to announce that our venue for Without Walls has now been confirmed. We will be meeting at the Bendigo Trades Hall, 34-40 View Street, which is right next-door to the Art Gallery. There is also plenty of available parking just behind the Capital Theatre. So we look forward to seeing you all there. Come expecting miracles and the healing power of Jesus to be a work through the Holy Ghost.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
We are on the lookout for a PA system
We are looking to use a small PA system on the night. Bendigo Baptist Church has very generously offered a set of speakers for us to use but unfortunately can’t extract the amplifier that goes with them. So if you know anyone who has a PA they would be willing to loan us for the evening, please let us know.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Without Walls Bendigo now has a Blog
To help communicate everything going on (and not just to Facebookers!), we have setup a blog at All new posts at our blog will also appear on our Facebook Page, but you can also subscribe to the blog feed to receive updates in your email as well.