This weekend was Easter. I know that Easter is not really when Jesus was Crucified. (Historical records put the date as April 3 or 4). I know that it is really a pagan moon festival centred around the northern hemisphere spring equinox. But still, it IS one of the few times in the year where Christianity - in whatever form it may come can legitimately take centre stage in the minds of the average Australian.
Traditionally Bendigo has a festival at Easter. The carnival rides come to town, there are art exhibitions and family entertainment in Rosalind park. Easter in Bendigo is a great time. The highlight is the Easter procession where schools, businesses and community groups enter floats along with car clubs and marching bands. The culmination of the procession has always been held by the Chinese community with Bendigo's own Chinese dragon (yes dragon!) - nowadays along with a bunch of other dragons. Traditionally this procession has been on the Easter Monday, however because of Easter's proximity to Anzac Day this year, they moved the procession to Sunday. I see this spiritually as a sad historic event.
Over the Easter weekend I went out on the street with a couple friends and family and talked to people about Jesus while giving out some gospel tracts. I have to say that by the end of the weekend I was so grieved in my spirit, I didn't know whether to be angry or weep. I have certainly done both. As I walked the streets what did I see? All the masses of Bendigo's population were out - along with thousands of visitors from other places. This is one of the biggest events Bendigo has. And on the streets with all these people, I saw the promotion of eastern mysticism in the Chinese dancing and celebrations - something that has managed to so attach and entangle itself to this otherwise Christian holiday that any self-respecting Bendigonian could not imagine Easter without the dragon! There were also other false Gods being peddled with the Harikrishnas, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses all out in force. The new age was also prominently represented at the street market held on Saturday. Add to all this the licentious and lustful entertainment of eye and body through the food and rides.
And where was the church - the body of Christ - on this weekend commemorating His death and resurrection? Where was the message of what this weekend was about? Nowhere to be seen! Instead of His hands and feet; his eyes and mouth walking the streets and ministering to the crowds as it did when Jesus himself walked the earth; the body of Christ was locked behind it's walls with their stained-glass windows. In the past, even just in my memory, Bendigo has had some wonderful expressions at Easter. Most recently, a gospel music outreach and presentation after the Fireworks. Many years ago there was "The Way of the Cross" - a dramatisation of the Passion using Bendigo's historic buildings for the locations of the drama. There have also been in the past fantastic representations in the procession with floats and such. But this year, if there was anything, I was not able to find it despite my efforts of looking.
Now I will admit that I was not down the street ALL the time. In fact I did not see all of the procession this year. So if there WAS something done by one of the churches - then thank God for it! Praise the Lord. But whatever feeble attempts were made by the churches either to gather people to their buildings or to reach out to the community, went for the vast majority, if not unheard, certainly unheeded.
This whole scenario would be comical if it were not so sad. On the day that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus; this day that commemorates Jesus rising from the grave with all the saints walking the streets of Jerusalem; that on this day, the church now sits locked behind doors and walls while dragons LITERALLY roam unchecked in the streets and false religions claim these holy days as their own. What has become of the Jesus' Body? Where is that resurrection power on the day set aside to remember it?
The world is even asking the question "What has happened to Easter?", with television shows and Newspapers asking whether Easter has lost its way. This is no more powerfully evident than in our own city. Brothers and sisters in Christ, this weekend I came looking for you amongst all the people and could not find you. I even know of a Church in this city that in recognising the late and dark hour we live in, huddled together to talk about the late and dark hour we live in!
People of Jesus! Get out of your buildings, get off your programs and stop lying to yourselves about how well you are doing reaching out for Jesus! Get to the streets - where the people are and proclaim the message of Jesus while we still have time and permission to do so in our nation!
Over the Easter weekend I went out on the street with a couple friends and family and talked to people about Jesus while giving out some gospel tracts. I have to say that by the end of the weekend I was so grieved in my spirit, I didn't know whether to be angry or weep. I have certainly done both. As I walked the streets what did I see? All the masses of Bendigo's population were out - along with thousands of visitors from other places. This is one of the biggest events Bendigo has. And on the streets with all these people, I saw the promotion of eastern mysticism in the Chinese dancing and celebrations - something that has managed to so attach and entangle itself to this otherwise Christian holiday that any self-respecting Bendigonian could not imagine Easter without the dragon! There were also other false Gods being peddled with the Harikrishnas, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses all out in force. The new age was also prominently represented at the street market held on Saturday. Add to all this the licentious and lustful entertainment of eye and body through the food and rides.
And where was the church - the body of Christ - on this weekend commemorating His death and resurrection? Where was the message of what this weekend was about? Nowhere to be seen! Instead of His hands and feet; his eyes and mouth walking the streets and ministering to the crowds as it did when Jesus himself walked the earth; the body of Christ was locked behind it's walls with their stained-glass windows. In the past, even just in my memory, Bendigo has had some wonderful expressions at Easter. Most recently, a gospel music outreach and presentation after the Fireworks. Many years ago there was "The Way of the Cross" - a dramatisation of the Passion using Bendigo's historic buildings for the locations of the drama. There have also been in the past fantastic representations in the procession with floats and such. But this year, if there was anything, I was not able to find it despite my efforts of looking.
Now I will admit that I was not down the street ALL the time. In fact I did not see all of the procession this year. So if there WAS something done by one of the churches - then thank God for it! Praise the Lord. But whatever feeble attempts were made by the churches either to gather people to their buildings or to reach out to the community, went for the vast majority, if not unheard, certainly unheeded.
This whole scenario would be comical if it were not so sad. On the day that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus; this day that commemorates Jesus rising from the grave with all the saints walking the streets of Jerusalem; that on this day, the church now sits locked behind doors and walls while dragons LITERALLY roam unchecked in the streets and false religions claim these holy days as their own. What has become of the Jesus' Body? Where is that resurrection power on the day set aside to remember it?
The world is even asking the question "What has happened to Easter?", with television shows and Newspapers asking whether Easter has lost its way. This is no more powerfully evident than in our own city. Brothers and sisters in Christ, this weekend I came looking for you amongst all the people and could not find you. I even know of a Church in this city that in recognising the late and dark hour we live in, huddled together to talk about the late and dark hour we live in!
People of Jesus! Get out of your buildings, get off your programs and stop lying to yourselves about how well you are doing reaching out for Jesus! Get to the streets - where the people are and proclaim the message of Jesus while we still have time and permission to do so in our nation!
1Cr 1:21 | Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe. |
Bless you brother because at least you made the effort to 'get out there' and talk about Jesus! Do you think what happened at the festival is perhaps further evidence of the end-time apostasy we see happening within the church today? In many ways it could be compared to the words in the Book of Judges, ch.17 v.6, "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes" as it is becoming more and more apparent a lot of professing Christians are not serious about keeping Jesus' commands or adhering to the truths contained in the Word of God anymore.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess to be fair and to give the church - the body of Christ - the benefit of the doubt in case you and I are wrong in thinking the above in this instance, it's also possible the people of Jesus realise Easter is really a pagan moon festival centred around the goddess of fertility Eostre. If such is the case the church there may have decided to refrain from being a part of the festival which, it seems, has become true to the pagan name by which it is called, judging by the large presence of false gods & religions/new age etc.
May God comfort and reassure you dear friend because you were so grieved in your spirit by all this and may He reveal to you, in His perfect time, why it has happened.
I completely agree with you in regard to the pagan roots of Easter. But as for the Church choosing to ignore Easter for this reason - a cursory glance at the newspaper on the Thursday before advertising all the Good Friday services would suggest otherwise.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the next wave and move of the Spirit will be the final one........ZAPP!
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubting your passion Todd, and I admire your willingness to step out and preach to the unconverted or the ambivalent.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be on a crusade, and I admire that, but I don't admire your continual denigration of the faithful who choose to worship together in community via their church of choice.
Not everyone is born to be a marketplace crusader, nor are we all called to be that.
I personally go to church for fellowship as well as to be personally spiritually strengthened through listening to the Word from our Pastor.
I believe I have helped others through being IN the church through Lifekeys, TC and other ways. If I was not IN the church I would not have had that opportunity. Spreading the Word of Jesus is more than just haranging people in the marketplace.
Anyone who believes he does not need the Word from a Pastor on a weekly basis is placing themselves on a pedestal.
It is disappointing that you are so denigrating towards other Christians while espousing to be doing Jesus work.
It is unnecessary, scathing and critical, rather than encouraging.
I don't think it's how Jesus would have gone about it.
Paul, thank you for taking the time to make your well considered comments. I do however need to answer a few of the points you have. First of all I certainly do not denigrate the gathering together of believers in one-accord and the development of community. Those that are in regular fellowship with my family know how close it is to our hearts and we take practice of it well beyond a weekly gathering. What I was addressing is WHEN the church comes together and where its priorities really lie, especially at such a time when Christianity has opportunity to gain the attention of the general community.
ReplyDeletePaul Matt 28:18 onwards suggests that we are all in fact to "go into all the world".
I have no doubt that all the great programs you have done have been of great support to you, and leaders often have very valuable insights to offer. But Paul, so may everyone else in the body. As those in our bible study know, I, like each of them, receive fantastic insights from each other every time we come together. I don't need a pastor to hear from God. He can speak to me through anyone he wishes to. I really don't need a word from a Pastor on a weekly basis. I DO however need a word from the Holy Spirit on a DAILY basis. I suggest to you that the only one being placed on a pedestal here is that Pastor by you. And finally, look carefully at just how Jesus DID speak to the poor, the lost and broken of spirit it was with words of mercy and grace. To the proud, the religious and the self-righteous it was another matter.